Are You Concerned About The Use Of NSAIDS ?

If you’ve been concerned about the news that the use of NSAIDs for daily aches and pains or even arthritis may be more dangerous than previously thought, you’re not alone.
What was suspected regarding the safety, or more properly, the lack thereof, of common NSAIDs such as Ibuprofen, Naproxen or Meloxicam, is now more clearly understood.

A very large study, the best so far, reveals that among the cardiovascularly healthy, NSAIDs are relatively safe to use over shorter periods of time if monitored well and effective dose is kept to a minimum. Higher dose was tied to a myriad of complications including cardiac events, and undiagnosed intestinal bleeding.
However, and this is the big part, among those with pre-existing cardiovascular disease, which includes those with a previous MI, stroke, thrombosis or even hypertension, NSAIDs are to be avoided.
That’s quite a few of us, unfortunately.
The study goes on to recommend “alternatives” to these very commonly prescribed medications. We all remember the recall of Vioxx secondary to unforeseen cardiovascular complications. This study just might extend that caution to all NSAIDs among the CV challenged. OrthoVite, with its drug-free ingredients, just might be exactly what the Doctor ordered.
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