Vitamin D
“Fresh air and sunshine is the best docterin’ there is”
Ma Kettle

At this time of year, when the sun is tracking its lowest path, we should take a moment to think about one of our favorites: Vitamin D.
Why do we think of sunshine and vitamin D together?… and what does that have to do with winter?, you might ask.
Humans have evolved to require an exogenous source of many of our necessary co-factors. That is, we cannot get all of our metabolic ingredients from nutrition alone.
Vitamin D requires the presence of good ‘ol sunshine to convert it into the necessary form to be useful. Alone, you could swim in an ocean of Vitamin D and It would do you almost no good.
Also, remember that Vitamin D has been attributed with a veritable laundry list of positives.
Bone health, colon health, immune system function, memory and cancer prevention, to name just a few.
And here’s a shocker, Vitamin D levels in patients with painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy were recorded as the lowest. AND, the lower the D level, the more painful the neuropathy. The exact mechanism is still being investigated.
When the season turns to winter, we naturally cover up more and stay indoors. We also see less sunshine on our faces as the days are shorter. Avoiding excessive sunshine is prudent, but getting none, or almost none, is a problem too.
Getting your D level checked is as easy as a simple blood test.

You know we prefer to get our vitamins naturally, so get your D from fish, milk, and egg yolks when you can. Supplement with D3 at about 2,000 - 3,000 units per day if you need to, as it’s the better absorbed and the more useful form of D.
Too much can be a problem as D is a fat soluble vitamin… but that is unlikely to happen if you are careful. The likelihood of being low in D is high and the payoff for adjustment is excellent.
So, for our sports fans, remember to play “D” all the time.
Yours In Health,
Your Friends at NeuraVite