Recommended Daily Allowance…. But maybe not for me

It has been thoroughly established that the health of peripheral nerves is maintained and even enhanced by adequate nutritional support.
At this point, we are looking at literally hundreds of studies across decades that confirm that vitamins B6, B12, Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) and Benfotiamine (B1) are beneficial to optimum nerve function. Further, they are the “first choice” when it comes to rehabilitating damaged or low functioning nerves.
Certain disease states, such as diabetes, require higher than normal supplementation to maintain good nerve function.
That’s why “RDA” or Recommended Daily Allowance” is a poor measure of individual need. These RDA amounts are derived from a theoretically healthy and active adult eating a well-balanced diet.
But here’s the problem(s):
- One, we are not all “healthy”… we have diabetes, heart disease, poor digestion, high blood pressure and more. Do levels of needed supplements go up when a disease state is present? Short answer… of course
- Two, we absorb nutrients at highly variable rates. Diet, age, other medications, even the time of day that we ingest our meals all affect the absorption of these critical nutrients.
- Three, many of us are not enjoying a “healthy diet” although we try. I know I’m guilty as charged there.
So what does an RDA really mean in practical terms? Not much, huh?
Scientists have pretty much confessed to this little nugget and have set the RDA at a “normal” level, but always add the disclaimer, “Individual needs may vary”. No kidding.
So supplement reasonably and safely with those vitamins that are supported by these same studies and at the amounts suggested by these multiple studies to reduce symptoms of neuropathy.
Yours in Health,
Your Friends at NeuraVite