NOT Another COVID-19 Message
I promise I won’t write another message about the ubiquitous virus we have all come to know and hate. You don’t want to hear it and I don’t want to write it.
I do want you to know that we value your confidence in us and are dedicated to your health.
One thing this crisis has pointed out… in excruciating detail, is the importance of keeping our immune systems at their peak no matter what our age or state of health.

The bottom line is that if your immune system is robust, then nearly anything coming down the pike will be met with resistance and defeated. That’s how we humans survived all these years as a species. Those who had the best immunity out-survived those who didn’t.
So why not make the effort to strengthen our resistance so that we are the “survivors”? That, thankfully, is not nearly as daunting as many would have you think.
It’s not that you need to take in a ridiculous amount of some exotic fruit or avoid the types of food that you’ve likely enjoyed all your life. That type of advice is almost always the “flavor of the month” . Here today and gone when the next crazy idea comes along for them to sell or convince you of doing. That’s why we are skeptical when the “new thing” comes along.
We get those alerts too, of course.
To suggest that for the last three thousand years humans have been in the dark about nutrition but now that…. fill in the blank… has been “discovered”, it’ll be easy street and six-pack abs for us all…… is, well, bunk!
Good sleep, moderate exercise, a balanced diet rich in nutrients, stress relief, and the necessary supplements that will be either lacking, or are needed in greater than average proportions, due to our personal physiology.
As we age or develop certain maladies, we need greater amounts of certain vitamins and minerals. It just makes sense that a diabetic might need more… B12 say, than a fourteen-year-old. Flu season requires some additional vitamin C and zinc for us to be insured against various “bugs” and on and on.
Truth be told, it’s been advocated for literally, millennia.
And it’s still true today. Some things are eternal it seems. So follow reasonable, time-tested advice, stay positive and you will stay strong.
Yours in health,