Summertime, and the livin’ is…. Well….
Summer, even this one, is freighted with memories of carefree, bygone, hot days and warm, happy evenings.

I grew up in a small town in the Midwest where I’d leave the house after breakfast and return when the church bells told us that it was time for dinner.
My mother blissfully unaware of our activities.
No cell phones, no “play dates” no social media.
I doubt if this world still exists but those memories still stir my soul.
I can’t pretend that the world is the same as it was back then; that was a time as well as a place. But more than that, it was a freedom from those concerns and worries that permeate our present.
Except…. It wasn’t.
I was a kid growing up not too far away from the unrest that rocked our country in 1967-69. Looking back, I’m sure my parents were concerned… even frightened… about the world that awaited us, their children. Just like we are for our children.
There is a concept in psychology called “temporal myopia”. That is the idea that what we feel and experience right now is how it has always been and always will be. Kind of a reverse nostalgia.
What I wanted to share with you all, my community, is that these times are temporary. They come… and they go.
They always have… we’ve seen worse. Wars, depressions, assassinations, and riots.
We always return to the sane center.
We do this, I think, by staying true to our ideals and holding fast to the truths that sustain us through these times. Faith, country, charity, honesty, community and duty among them.
As always, we are here to serve you all.
Yours in health,