Who Else Wants A Topical Treatment For Peripheral Neuropathy?

By now, we think that you know us. We don’t recommend anything that isn’t supported by good quality studies and is free from hype.
Above all, it has to be safe and effective, all the while delivering good value for your money.
That is why, until now (maybe) we resisted recommending topicals for peripheral neuropathy symptoms. In short, the science just wasn’t there. At least not enough for us to make the recommendation to use another product. We spend your money like it’s our money.
But we may have missed something- Maybe something that could be important too.
While we were looking for a topical that delivered a molecule to the site of pathology, the nerve itself, we may have missed the practical side.
The relief of symptoms and the quality of life that comes from relief from the burning and pain.
Some encouraging studies suggest that even if not directly affecting the nerve, some topicals can relieve the symptoms
That’s our job here…To ease the symptoms of the condition all the while treating its cause.
We are in the midst of formulating a topical treatment to be used in conjunction with NeuraVite to help ease the pain and burning of neuropathy. We still have a ways to go before it gets our stamp of approval and we let our tribe in on it.
Please stay tuned… progress takes time… and we know it’ll be worth it when it comes.
Yours in health,
One-A-Day NeuraVite® Keeps Neuropathy Away
NeuraVite is by design a Once-A-Day supplement.
Studies have proven that a once per day vitamin regimen is far more likely to be followed consistently than a 2 or more times per day regimen.
NeuraVite is all you need and nothing you don't, ( especially L-Carnitine which is frequently found in other commercial neuropathy supplements and has been linked to heart disease).